In the way that people choose to live with dogs that resemble their personality, Chelsey lives with duck tollers. She talks about them, sometimes struggling to find the right words, as "sunshine".

Her initial goal was to establish a fitness routine that she could stick with. She was bumping against the most common barrier of all, all or nothing. In fitness, this is the killer of joy and a deadener of motivation every time. It's just not possible to be 'all in' all the time. We work, we travel, we care for dogs that require our attention and so on. Chelsey and I have worked really hard to build a routine, both in exercise selection and in a realistic schedule, that she can stick with. It's been almost a year and she's going strong, y'all!

She has gotten strong, balanced and her physical literacy is phenomenal now. It's so fun for me, selfishly, when clients get to the place where their exercise library is robust like hers is. The possibilities are wide open!

Through coaching Chelsey I've developed better language around self-compassion, cheerleading for oneself, and accepting the grey areas of life through modified and/or maintenance workouts when needed. After all, it's a journey, not a short challenge or destination.

I got a message from her this summer that she had jumped out of her vehicle and landed on one leg, not having thought about it. Only to later realize that she had fully trusted her body to support her, and it did. In my world, this type of thing is inevitable for my clients as I persistently work towards it for every single one of them. When I meet people I see them 6-12 months from where they are, oftentimes long before they do. And every time for me, like you may watch a young dog accomplish a grand task and then see their eyes fill with the whole universe worth of stars, being witness to their self-belief expanding makes my life work worthwhile.

As we all go through challenges in life, and let's level it's all of us, it's remarkably important to have a common denominator of some form of self-care. The knowing that when the storm has passed you can walk through the puddles as your powerful self. She's there, and it's beautiful. Cheers to you Chelsey!
